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A hand prosthesis can mean a lot of joy for a child! Help us make some dreams come true!
Filament and Equipment Donation ​
You can help Mao3D by donating filaments for 3D printing, as well as 3D printers, computers and equipment.
Get in touch by email below with the subject: Filament Donation and we will direct you!
help with expenses
Our expenses are currently covered with the help of volunteers, but we need help to maintain the Laboratory within the ICT - UNIFESP.
For help, contact the FAP -Support Foundation for the Federal University of São Paulo!

Mao3D na Alemanha
Fomos selecionados para realizar um intercâmbio na Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Bocholt, na Alemanha!
Para tornar essa viagem possível, estamos realizando uma campanha de arrecadação de fundos. Nos ajude a realizar esse sonho!
Clique no Saiba mais para mais informações.
Regiane Sabatine
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