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Our story

The Mao3D Extension Program was created by Profa. Dr. Maria Elizete Kunkel dccentive of Biomedical Engineering at the Institute of Science and Technology - ICT, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. Inspired by the work of e-Nable and Team Unlimbited, the Program has a partnership with volunteers, psychologists, occupational therapists, undergraduate, graduate and technical education students. Our mission is to provide upper limb prostheses for children all over Brazil, in person or by Telemedicine. We're taking it one step at a time and we're still at the start of a journey. There is a huge demand and we are still few and with few resources. This threatens our goals, but it doesn't dampen our enthusiasm!
Prostheses made by 3D printing represent a hope for children to recover some functionality of the lost limb or simply feel more socially included.
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