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Publications 2018
Gabriel, DA; Rodrigues, ACS; Cavalcanti, ABF; Toem, IF ; Guimaraes, IP; Kunkel ME. Introduction to scientific research in the area of forensics of a group of high school students at the Alpha Lumen Institute. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.
Kunkel, ME; Lopes, FL; Amorim, H. . Structural Analysis with Finite Element Method of a Child Electric Wheelchair Built with PVC and Arduino. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018, Dublin. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018. v. 1. p. P2121-P2121.
Gonçalves, P.; Kunkel, ME Sex determination from anthropometric data of hand measurements: a study in a population from southeastern Brazil. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.
Kunkel ME, Amadeo J, Plens CR, Assunção RS, Comparato B, Souza CD, Ganga T, Santos NA, Figueiredo M, Standard R, Rocha EB, Silva DM, Rocco AL, Oliveira VA, Lacroix DD, Rodrigues L, Rocha B Database Crimes May 2006: towards the establishment of forensic anthropology and transitional justice in human rights in Brazil. The Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop, 2018, Rio de Janeiro.
Kunkel, ME; Cano, AP A fast and innovative design technique for the creation of customized wrist orthoses manufactured by 3D printing. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018, Dublin. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018. v. 1. p.P2159-P2159.
Kunkel, ME; Juvenal, E. Low-cost AFO orthoses for children with cerebral palsy using additive manufacturing (AM) methods and 3D scanning technologies. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018, Dublin. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018. v. 1. p. O1867-O1867.
Kunkel ME, Mariano FC, Souza FG. MaoBD - Open-access data in forensics anthropometry of Brazil. The Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop, 2018, Rio de Janeiro.
Santos, IM; Santos, C.; Cardoso, D.; Kunkel, ME. ICTcast: Production of audiovisual material for scientific dissemination. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.
Santos, N.; ME Kunkel; Cano, AP Innovative orthosis produced by additive manufacturing for the treatment of infantile hip developmental dysplasia. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.
Silva, VM; Toledo, I.; Kunkel, ME Plantar orthosis development and production by additive manufacturing. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.
Xavier, TJP; Kunkel ME. Development of Automatic Pressure Monitoring and Control Device in the Cuff of Endotracheal Tubes. In: IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018, São José dos Campos. IV Academic Congress of Unifesp, 2018.

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