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Publicações de anos anteriores
Publicações 2014
Cesar R, Blanco JO, Castillero JB, Rodriguez-Ramos R, Kunkel ME, Pereira CAM, Rollo JMDA. (2015). Biomechanical trabecular bone behavior of calcaneus samples using finite element analysis and experimental tests. In VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná, Argentina. pp. 203-207. Springer Cham.
Kunkel ME, Barma M. Modificações estruturais e de desempenho de um protótipo de prótese de mão mecânica feita por impressão 3D. IV Encontro de Iniciação Científica da UFABC, 2014, Santo André
da Costa ACM. (2014). Tutorial para calibração de Microsoft Kinect ® para aplicações em medicina - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Engenharia Biomédica (TCC) - Universidade Federal do ABC. 
Alves WG, Brosco MC, Camillo V, Silva MC, Silva LA, Kunkel, ME. Protótipo de exoesqueleto para reabilitação de membros superiores. XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica CBEB, 2014, Uberlândia.
Hunold M, Lima V, Castro Y, Augusto C, Yoshimura FR, Matias JS, Rodrigues M, Kunkel ME. Protótipo de prótese de mão robótica de lego controlada por sistema android para bi-amputado. XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica CBEB, 2014, Uberlândia.
Publicações 2013
Yoshida C, Ferro DH, Garbiggio GEK, Silva CFI, Fortes LBS, Paulino RM, Junior RFS, Kunkel ME. Accessibility for visually impaired people: Prototype of a robotic device to assist crossing streets. Simpósio de Pesquisa do Grande ABC 2013, São Bernardo do Campo.
Costa ACM, Brioschi DC, Spina G, Nakagawa H, Felix L, Piquini LK, Junior OM, Kunkel ME. Intelligent home-aid wheelchair prototype for people with visual and physically disabilities. Simpósio de Pesquisa do Grande ABC 2013, São Bernardo do Campo.
Oliveira ESR, Costa A, Kunkel, ME. A engenharia biomédica e os desafios na imaginologia forense. Simpósio de Engenharia Biomédica, 2013, Uberlândia.
Costa A, Santo AM, Kunkel ME. A produção científica brasileira na ciência forense. Simpósio de Engenharia Biomédica, 2013, Uberlândia.
Publicação 2012
Kunkel, M E. Biomechanical models of the human thoracic and lumbar spine: A statistical approach for prediction of anatomical parameters from radiographic images. 1. ed. Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, 2012. v. 1. 80p .
Publicações 2011
KUNKEL ME. Mathematics of the Microwave Ovens. In: Greenwald SJ; Thomley JE. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011, v. 2, p. 661-663.
Kunkel ME, RODRIGUES MES. Mathematics of the Fingerprint. In: Greenwald SJ; Thomley JE. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011, v. 2, p. 388-390.
KUNKEL ME. Mathematics of Medical Simulations. In: Greenwald SJ; Thomley JE. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011, v. 2, p. 660-661.
Kunkel ME, RODRIGUES MES. . Mathematics of the Apgar Scores. In: Greenwald SJ, Thomley JE. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2011, v. 1, p. 51-53.
Kunkel ME, RODRIGUES MES. Mathematics of the Nervous Systems. In: Greenwald S; Thomley J.. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2011, v. 1, p. 700-701.
Kunkel ME, RODRIGUES MES. Mathematics of the Genetics, v. 1, p. 419-422. In: Greenwald S; Thomley J.. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2011.
Kunkel ME. Mathematics of the Ultrasound. In: Greenwald S; Thomley J. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. 1ed.Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2011, v. 2, p. 1017-1018.
Kunkel ME; Schmidt H; Wilke H-J. (2011). Prediction of the human thoracic and lumbar articular facet joint morphometry from radiographic images. Journal of Anatomy (Print), 218, 191-201.
Kunkel ME.; Herkommer A; Reinehr M; Böckers TM; Wilke H-J (2011). Morphometric analysis of the relationships between intervertebral disc and vertebral body heights: an anatomical and radiographic study of the human thoracic spine. Journal of Anatomy (Print), 219, 375-387.
Publicações 2010
Kunkel, Maria E.; Schmidt H ; Wilke H-J. Anatomische und radiologische Untersuchungen über die Beziehungenzwischen den Messungen an Bandscheiben und Wirbelkörpern im Bereich der Brustwirbelsäule (Anatomical and radiographicstudy on the relationships between intervertebral disc and vertebral body measurements in the thoracic spine). In: 5th Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, 2010, Bremen. European Spine Journal 19 11), p. 1963, 2010. v. 19. p. 1964.
Kunkel ME; Schmidt H; Wilke H-J (2010). Prediction equations for human thoracic and lumbar vertebral morphometry. Journal of Anatomy (Print), 216, 320-328.
Kunkel, Maria E.; Schmidt H ; Wilke H-J. Vorhersage der anatomischen Abmessungen von Brust- und Lenden-Gelenkfacetten anhand der Wirbelkörperhöhe aus konventionellen lateralen Röntgenaufnahmen (Predicting the anatomical dimensions of the thoracic and lumbar articular facets on the basis of vertebral body height from conventional radiographs).In: 5th Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, 2010, Brenem. European Spine Journal, 2010. v. 19. p. 1963-1963.
Rodrigues, M. E. S. ;Kunkel, Maria E.; Rollo, J. M. D. A. ; Romulo RMS ; Ceccatto V . Analysis of the alveolar bone loss assessed by microCT in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. In: German Congress of Orthopedics andTraumatology, 2010, Berlin. German Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2010. p. 26.
Publicações 2009
Kunkel, M. E., Moral, A. I., Tingelhoff, K., Bootz, F., & Wahl, F. (2009). Validity of paranasal CT image reconstruction for finite element models in otorhinolaryngology. In Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing (pp. 273-286). Springer, Dordrecht.
Kunkel, ME. ; Schmidt H ; Wilke H-J . Zeiteffiziente 3D Rekonstruktion der Brust- und Lendenwirbel anhand der posterioren Wirbel Körperhöhe aus konventionellen lateralen Röntgenaufnahmen. Time efficient 3D reconstruction of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae using the posterior height of the vertebral bodies from conventional lateral radiography. In:4th Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society, 2009, Munique. European Spine Journal, 2009. v. 18. p. 1752.
Publicações 2008
Wagner I, Tingelhoff K, Westphal, Kunkel ME, Wahl FM, Bootz F, Eichhorn KWG (2008). Ex vivo evaluation of force data and tissue elasticity for robot-assisted FESS. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 265:1335–1339.
Tingelhoff K, Eichhorn KW, Wagner I, Kunkel ME, Moral AI, Rilk ME, Wahl FM, Bootz F (2008). Analysis of manual segmentation in paranasal CT images. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 265(9):1061–1070.
Kunkel, M. E., Moral, A., Westphal, R., Rode, D., Rilk, M., & Wahl, F. M. (2008). Using robotic systems in order to determine biomechanical properties of soft tissues. Studies in health technology and informatics, 133, 156.
Publicações 2007
Kunkel, Maria E. ; Westphal, Ralf ; Moral, A. I. ; Wagner, Ingo ; Bootz F ; Eichhorn K ; Wahl FM . Ex vivo indentation tests to determine mechanical properties of human nasal tissues. In: German Congress of Biomechanics, 5th AnnualMeeting of the German Society for Biomechanics (DGfB), 2007, Colonia. German Congress of Biomechanics, 5th AnnualMeeting of the German Society for Biomechanics (DGfB), 2007. p. 132.
Kunkel, M. E. ; Moral, A. I. ; Wahl FM . Influence of preconditioning on the relaxation behaviour of porcine septal cartilage using different sized indenters. In: XXI Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, 2007, Taipei. XXICongress of International Society of Biomechanics, 2007. v. 40. p. S116-S116.
Moral, A. I., Kunkel, M. E., Rilk, M., Wahl, F. M., Tingelhoff, K., & Bootz, F. (2007). Paranasal sinuses segmentation/reconstruction for robot assisted endonasal surgery. In Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing ECCOMAS VIPIMAGE.
Publicações 2006
M.E.Kunkel. ; Wagner, Ingo ; Westphal, Ralf ; WAHL, F.M. ; BOOTZ, F. . Messung von Gewebeeigenschaften ananatomischen Praparat zur Entwiclung robotisch assistierter endoskopischer Nasennebenhohlenchirurgie. In: 77.Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Geselschaft fur Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., 2006,Manheim. 77. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Geselschaft fur Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgiee.V., 2006.
Publicações 2005
M.E. Kunkel. ; Wagner, I. ; Westphal, Ralf ; Wahl FM ; Bootz F ; Eichhorn K . Measurement of soft tissue properties in ex vivo preparations for the development of robotic assisted functional endoscopic sinus surgery. In: 4. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesilschaft fur Computer-und Roboter-Assistiert Chirurgie CURAC, 2005, Berlin. 4. Jahrestagung der DeutschenGesilschaft fur Computer-und Roboter-Assistiert Chirurgie CURAC, 2005.
Publicações 2004
Kunkel, M E. ; Malosso, T. G. ; Rollo, J. M. D. A. . Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Effects on a Bone Model of Ovariectomized Female Rats. In: IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, 2004, Rio de Janeiro. Osteoporosis International,2004.
Kunkel, M E. ; Malosso, T. G. ; Rollo, J. M. D. A. ; Shimano, A. C. Um projeto de divulgação científica na escola: novas estratégias para popularização de pesquisas acadêmicas no ensino médio. In: 55ª Reunião Anual da SBPC -Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, 2003, Recife. Anais da 55ª Reunião Anual da SBPC - Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial, 2003. v. 1. p. 139.

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